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Santorini game Wooden set. Expansion Pack by WoodIdeas

Santorini game Wooden set. Expansion Pack by WoodIdeas

Regular price $300.00 USD
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Storage box


Addition to the game Santorini.
Redesigned wooden edition.
Completely redesigned wood board, wood building blocks, domes and wooden Workers.
!! This does not include the full game from the official publisher! Only addition pack! For a full game you need to purchase the official version of the game Santorini!!

Designed to avoid accidental blocks displacement.
The idea is implemented in the form of blocks from the constructor. Each block, including domes and workers, is easily inserted into each other where it is possible according to the rules.
Empty space (circular indentation) as an invitation to build a block there or move a Worker.
Will not fall apart even if you lift one edge 2-3 inches up.

Size: 10"x10"x1.53"
Material: Solid ash wood

Building blocks:
Size: 1.53"x1.53"x0.95" (1.14" with a ledge)
Material: ash wood

Size: diameter 1.53"x0.8" (1" with a ledge)
Material: bog oak wood

Workers pieces:
Height: 1.18"
Material: ash wood / stripped ash wood / bog oak wood

The natural wood texture has been saved.
Only wood, linseed oil and wax.

Still, it was noticed that if the blocks are built a little with a turn, then the overall look of the game changes. The constructed buildings are obtained, as it were, as a single whole.

Also 1 Golden Fleece, 1 Sisyphus Boulder and 1 Talos Miniature.

Full set contains 75 building blocks, 25 domes, 1 game board, 6 Workers,  1 Golden Fleece, 1 Sisyphus Boulder and 1 Talos Miniature and storage box.

Based on the fact that buyers have a question about the storage of this Santorini game, a wooden storage box was developed.
An additional function of this box is that when playing on the floor or on a low table, it is possible to make the game board higher if board installed on a storage box.

Walnut wood Box
Size: 12.3"x11.2"x5.25"

Full set with box weight 7'300 g

Wood pattern and texture may vary slightly from those shown in the pictures.

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